Foreword by Scott Hahn.
Benedictine scholar Fr. Wulstan Mork draws Catholics into a lively understanding of the Sacraments as grace-drenched encounters with God.
Always dynamic and Creative, God meets us in these moments in order to draw us into union with him. Far from being impersonal rites, the Sacraments are "Supernaturalized Human Signs and Acts, given here and now to this individual, and whose graces are tailored particularly to him in his situation."
In clear language, building on Scripture, Fr. Mork leads the reader to appreciate what it means to be sons and daughters of God and to understand the role of the Sacraments in helping us live that reality.
Through the action of the Holy Spirit in these rites, we receive the means to live our natural lives with supernatural power.
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Paperback, Size: 5 x 7. 181 pp.