Here you will encounter the mild-mannered, unassuming thirteenthcentury friar who wrote poems so sublime they are sung in churches worldwide to this day, the mystic whose wisdom came from a direct vision of God Himself.
Betweentimes, this remarkable author and teacher explained profound philosophical and theological concepts in words so simple and arguments so clear that common men could follow them and sophisticated opponents were left no option but to agree.
In St. Thomass day, ancient Greek philosophical ideas penetrated Christendom again, threatening to overturn conventional notions of God. Undaunted by this challenge and convinced that faith and reason can never contradict, St. Thomas gave full scope to both, crafting, as Fr. Sertillanges shows in these pages, an enduring synthesis that to this day preserves the integrity and increases the authority of each.
No wonder subsequent generations found the wisdom of St. Thomas sweet: he drinks deeply not from one but from two deep wells faith and reason; and as you come to know St. Thomas better through these pages, youll learn to do so, too.
"The teachings of St. Thomas are so vast that they contain, like a sea, all the wisdom that flows from the ancients: all the truths that had been spoken, all that had been wisely sifted by the pagan philosophers, by the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church, and by the eminent men who flourished before him." Pope Leo XII Size:5 1/2 X 8 1/2, 140 Pp, softcover.