He also made some equally provocative statements; for example:
What is this "Gospel" which we must all believe in order to be saved? What does it mean to be "Born again of water and the Holy Spirit?" What exactly is the will of the Heavenly Father for us? According to Our Lord's own very solemn words, these are vital questions we all need to know the answers to in order to be saved eternally. And to answer these questions - and a host of others like them - is exactly the reason Father Francis Ripley has written this tremendous book.
This Is The Faith - Originally published in 1951, the book covers the nature of God, the nature of man, the meaning of life, the nature of religion, the sources of Faith, the necessity of prayer, the duty of belief, the consequences of sin, the Commandments of God, the Holy Trinity, belief in Christ, the Redemption, the supremacy of the Pope, the Mystical Body of Christ, the Sacraments, the Mass, the priesthood, devotion to Mary and the Saints, what happens after death, and the devotional life of a Catholic.
This book is at once complete and thorough, yet also easy to read and very intelligible. It is based upon talks the author gave to people inquiring into the Catholic faith. Essentially, it discusses all of the basics of the Catholic faith. It is addressed in such a way as to appeal to non-Catholics.
Here is a book you can confidently give to friends and relatives inquiring about what the Church teaches.
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Paperback edition, 405 pages, Size: 9"