We all want to go to Heaven- but what will Heaven actually be like? Drawing on sacred Scripture and Catholic doctrine, The Life of the World to Come pulls back the veil to give us a closer look at the dazzling joys, the reality of eternal life. With simplicity and good humor, this "marvelous little book" achieves the goal Abbot Vonier set for all his works- opening the eyes of men and women to the splendors of the Catholic faith.
About Abbot Vonier: A bestselling author in England of the 1920s-that golden age of Catholic letters when Chesterton, Knox and Belloc flourished- Abbot Vonier was a gifted intellectual who regraded his literary activity as part of the mission with which Divine Providence had charged him. Vonier penned some fifteen works of popular theology, developing "a vast company of admires who welcomed every new book of his with enthusiasm."
Although largely forgotten today, Abbot Vonier's work remains absolutely fresh and engaging, filled with rich insight lucidly conveyed.
Softcover. 112 pp.