Preceded by an introduction by Edward van Speybrouck and a passage from the visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich about St. Benedict and St. Scholastica, his twin sister, the book is filled with inspiring short anecdotes about St. Benedict's life and miracles. The narrative is then followed by a summary of the Saint's life and work and his incredible influence upon the Catholic world; plus there is a section on the St. Benedict Medal--the most indulgenced and the most powerful medal in the Church, especially against the devil.
Though brief, this classic life tells the story of the a poisoned glass of wine, the discovery of King Totila's ruse, the miraculous appearance of 200 sacks of meal at the monastery gate, the miraculous barrel of oil, the conversion of Galla the terrible Goth, the vision of St. Scholastica's soul winging its way to Heaven as a dove, plus many more. Here is a little book that will surprise and inspire every reader. All Catholics should know these stories of St. Benedict--they are part of our Catholic patrimony--for St. Benedict was a great, great Saint, a most influential founder, and is still today a powerful protector in dangers to soul or body, to hearth and home, and is a Saint to invoke in every sort of necessity. Paperback, 70 pages.