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The Judas Syndrome: Seven Ancient Heresies Return to Betray Christ Anew, by Thomas Colyandro

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Throughout two millennia of Christian history, the great heresies have tried to destroy the Faith by perverting the truths that Christ taught the apostles. Beginning in Jesus' own time with the betrayal of the arch-heretic Judas, and continuing through the centuries, waves of errors have threatened to swamp the Church, only to break and be dashed upon the Rock of Peter. However, though they may be defeated for a time by saints, popes, councils, and even force of arms, as long as sin and error remains in our fallen world, these heresies can never be truly vanquished. This condition is the Judas Syndrome; it betrayed Christ unto death, and it afflicts His Church and the world unto this day. In these pages, author Tom Colyandro investigates seven of the most harmful, most seductive, heresies in Church history, and discovers that although their faces may have changed, they are indeed with us once more. In modern relativism we find the shadow of Arianism; the heresy of Pelagius has resurfaced in the gospel of Western materialist individualism; Marxists both within and outside the Church can be counted as spiritual children of the ancient Gnostics. The Judas Syndrome shows you how these and ancient heresies have returned in modern times, each to recapitulate some part of the arch-heresy of Judas. More importantly, it shows how the power of Christ's truth and the sacraments can be wielded to subdue them once more.

Book is softcover.