God really heal? Does He really watch over your life? Does He really
cause all those fateful happenings and triumphant moments and
coincidences that mystify us?
on years of correspondence and research, journalist Michael H. Brown
demonstrates that the clear and ringing answer is YES! God is with us
always in ways we can hardly comprehend. He is closer than our
shadows. He wants the best for us. He wants to give us what we need.
He wants to heal. He wants to fix the broken heart, the busted
spirit. He wants abundant life for us. But it takes action. It takes
holiness on our part and the living of several basic principles.
this bestselling book, you will read about the remarkable way that
miracles have occurred during natural calamities. You will see
indications from the other side of the veil. You will see examples of
extraordinary coincidences that prove beyond any skepticism that God
can do whatever He wants whenever He wants and responds when we
exhibit the characteristics of Jesus:
Patience. Humility.
do we best spiritually develop? Is there a formula that Jesus has
left us? How is it that we connect most directly with the Lord, with
Our Creator -- with The God of Miracles?
about AIDS and cancer patients who have survived beyond all odds.
About the strange way God can even connect people through the
telephone. About astounding signs. About those who have overcome the
most intimidating and evil of circumstances through prayer and faith
in dramatic settings.
Earthquakes? Problems in the family?
is nothing that is beyond the God of Miracles Who only waits until we
learn to call on Him!
H. Brown is the author of more than twenty books, including Catholic
bestsellers such as The Other Side and The Final Hour. He has
appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows, among them Nightline, The
Today Show, NBC's Ancient Prophecies, Mother Angelica, Trinity
Broadcasting Network, and McNeil Lehrer Report.
Product Details:
- Paperback
- 186 pages