modern world is full of temptations that can lead people not only
into unhappy lives but also into the throes of addiction. Navigating
the world alone is not an easy task for any of us. Why not let The
Freedom to Love be a most valued companion in overcoming an addiction
to a sinful life? By living your life guided by true Christian
morality and spiritual principles, you can break free from
temptations and have the courage to experience real love. Why study
the 12 Step recovery from a Christian context? Addicts and
codependents are unable to choose real love without being grounded in
solid moral values. Christianity offers a purposeful commitment to a
way of life that heals human wounds and rectifies the effects of sin.
It promotes character, growing in the measure that the person depends
on truth and grace. Devote yourself to the study and development of
Christ's love and you will find the strength to break free from
addiction, codependency and sinful behaviors that preclude love.
Product Details:
- Hardcover
- 140 pages