The Catholic Warrior takes readers through spiritual boot camp and teaches them to draw on the power of Christ through a warrior's greatest weapons faith, love and prayer. It concludes with the great commission for those who are willing to accept the challenge and join the ranks. Stories of men and women performing deeds of valor on the spiritual battlefield didn't end in Bible times or with the lives of saints from centuries past. Particularly in an era when priests are few and challenges are many, Christ needs lay people who are willing to put on the full armor of God, push back enemy lines, and advance the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same miracle-working power that flowed from the life of Christ is available to you right now. All you need to do is tap into it. In The Healing Power of Jesus, Robert Abel will show you how. The spiritual exercises on these life-giving pages have the power to break all forms of bondage, sickness, and disease in your life, restore your health, and bring you to intimate fellowship with your Heavenly Father. Jesus loves you! He took all the sin and sickness of the world upon himself so that you could be set free. Are you going to believe in an incurable condition, or are you going to accept the Lords healing power?
Jesus came so that you may have life and have it more abundantly! He wants to heal all your wounds and fill your heart with his incredible love. In the Healing Power of the Heart, Robert Abel will show you how to establish a deeper and more passionate relationship with Jesus. The spiritual exercises on these life-giving pages have the power to break all forms of bondage in your life, and bring the Lords healing power into all your traumatic past experiences. Jesus wants to take you on an exciting adventure deep within the recesses of your soul. He is calling you right now, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
The Blessed Trinity has incredible plans for your life! Because you have been created in the image and likeness of God, you have unlimited potential. You have been given a vast depository of spiritual gifts, unique talents, and supernatural resources. According to Sacred Scripture, you have been blessed "with every spiritual blessing under the heavens." As the world grows more and more indifferent to spiritual matters, your calling has become even more imperative. Countless souls are depending on you to fulfill your calling in Christ. According to a Sacred Assemble of over 2,500 bishops, the laity have been given "an indispensable role in the mission of the Church." Not only are the laity called to make disciples of all nations, but we are facing an ever-growing need to transform the world. In Worldwide Adventure, Robert Abel will show you how to fulfill your calling in Christ through a simple three-part process. By surrendering your life into the Lord's service, listening to the softly spoken voice of the Holy Spirit and proceeding forth in obedience, you will have the opportunity to embark on the adventure of a lifetimeadvancing Gods kingdom here on earth.
Heavenly Treasure: Investing millions of dollars in real estate, diversifying your assets, and choosing the right hedge fund manager are all important aspects of wealth management, but how well have you considered your financial destiny? How will your investments carry forward into eternity? When the stock market crashes and corporations file for bankruptcy, the best way to protect your assets is by investing in the kingdom of God. In this book, Robert Abel will show you how to deepen your relationship with God based on a mutual exchange of love. The more we give to God from a loving heart, the more it blesses God's heart, motivating him to give back an even greater return. Not only does God desire to establish a prosperous relationship with all of his obedient children, but he also wants us to use our time, talent, and resources to earn as much heavenly treasure as possible. The way we live life on earth will determine our status in the eternal kingdom. By applying the timeless truths of this book to your life, you will be able to produce the greatest amount of wealth for the kingdom of God.