Small Things with Great Love: A 9-Day Novena to Mother Teresa, Saint of the Gutters by Donn-Marie Copper O'Boyle
can we learn from the Saint of the Gutters? How might her wisdom and
intercession help us in our present needs? After all, Mother Teresa
was very small in stature, even frail in some respects, and she was a
woman—the supposed “weaker sex.” However, this petite woman’s
“yes” to God truly changed the world forever. She opened the
world’s eyes to our duties to feed the hungry and clothe the naked,
and told us that a far worse hunger exists in our Western world. She
continues to encourage us to reach out in love to those in need.
this novena of prayer, our faith is energized as we "sit at St.
Teresa of Calcutta’s feet” to learn lessons of love, and invoke
her intercession for our urgent, as well as our lesser needs—big
and small—she will help!
Product Details:
- Paperback
- Size: 4” x 7”
- 64 pages