Publisher's Pledge
We are determined to confront the merciless and vulgar sexual revolution that our tragically ignorant Catholic youth are engulfed in. In this spirit, the non-profit corporation Sex Education for Advanced Beginners Inc., the publishers of this book, will provide as many boxes of the book needed, at $2 per book, which is essentially our cost (retail price $12.95), to anyone, including high school, diocese, parish or other organization that will give the books to 11th grade (16-17 years old) students to take home and discuss with their parents. We recommend that the books be sent home with a letter that explains to parents the options of going through the course with the student or just having the student read it on his or her own. The boxes and shipping charges must be paid for up front. Offer is also extended to Catholic dioceses outside the United States that agree to distribute the books to local 16-17 year olds.