This new movie tells the inspiring story of the beginnings of the Sister Servants of Mary, a religious order that was founded in Madrid, Spain in 1851 by Fr. Miguel Martinez and Sister Maria Soledad. The new order was dedicated to serving the sick, especially in their own homes. It was a providential foundation because Spain at the time was devastated by epidemics, revolutions, the fierce massacre of religious, and by politicians opposed to the teachings of Christ and his Church. Assistance to the sick in their homes, never done before, was therefore all the more necessary.
Mother Soledad was like an expert pilot, who directed the course of the new congregation with calmness and efficiency amid the frightening storms. In this film, learn how her courage, charity, and humility won over those she encountered, and inspired many to join her congregation.
Maria Soledad died in 1887, and was canonized by Pope Paul VI in
1970. Today there are 1,500 sisters in her order in 110 convents
around the world, including several in the United States.
Color. 110 minutes.