The boy was Napoleon Orsini--and he was dead. "Napoleon... my poor Napoleon..." moaned the boy's uncle.
"Perhaps all is not lost," murmured Dominic, as if to himself.
Dominic calmly proceeded to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and with great fervor. At the Elevation, the people were astounded to see Dominic raised several inches from the ground! And his face shone as the sun!
After Mass, Dominic entered the room where Napoleon's body lay. He arranged the stiffening limbs and began to pray aredently. He wept, he prostrated himself on the floor, he begged God for mercy. Then he walked over to stand by the boy's head.
What was Dominic going to do now?
This book gives the answer. It also tells about Dominic's victories over the devil and over the Albigensian heresy, and it describes his miracles and the remarkable vision his mother had seen before Dominic was born. All in all, this is the wonderful story of Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) and one of the greatest Saints in the history of the Church.
Book is: Softcover. 156 pp., with a few black-and-white illustrations.