Reflections for Every Day
meant to immerse us, day by day, in the spirituality of pro-life. At
Priests for Life (also known as missionaries
the Gospel of Life), we have developed and articulated this
spirituality since 1991. It is a spirituality that draws deeply from
the lives and teachings of three great pro-life warriors whom I was
privileged to know personally and work with in the pro-life arena:
Saint Pope John Paul II,
Teresa of Calcutta, and Cardinal John O'Connor.
The reflections, moreover, are not just to help us meditate but to inspire us to act. Prayers and action cannot be discovered, and therefore these reflections are as much of an action plan as a teaching, and as much of a commission as a prayer. and as you pray the Pro-life Reflections for Every Day with me through the course of the years, know that countless pro-life believers are doing the same. Let's pray for each other; let's work together to build a Culture of Life; and let's look forward to the victory!
Product Details:
- Size: 4.2 x 6.5 inches
- Cover: Vinyl
- 194 pages