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Confirmation Saint Names of the Religious

Saint Name Vocation Location Reason
Agnes Sr. Amy, CSJ
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Civil and Canon Lawyer St. Louis, MO "I chose St. Agnes from a Catholic calendar we had at home, and I was inspired by her story of total gift in martyrdom."
Andrew Fr. Austin Campus Minister Baltimore, MD "I chose St. Andrew because I admired his courage to give his life for the Lord, and because he was one who was always bringing people to Jesus--his brother Peter, the boy with the loaves and fish, etc."
Bernadette Sr. Marie, IHM, Immaculata
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Teacher Philadelphia, PA "I selected St. Bernadette because of her humility, simplicity, and love for the Blessed Mother."
Cecilia Sr. Juliet, RSCJ, Ph.D.
Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Theology Professor St. Louis, MO "I chose St. Cecilia because I loved music, and I was fascinated by the story of her early martyrdom and tomb in the catacombs."
Daniel Fr. Barnabas Diocesan Priest Ireland "I chose St. Daniel because my grandmother's brother had that name and he died shortly before my Confirmation and I sort of felt duty bound to take the name!"
Donald Br. Donald, FC
Brothers of Charity
Provincial Superior Washington, DC "I chose St. Donald because as he had nine children, he is kind of completing what my religious vocation cannot allow me to experience."
Helen Sr. Susan, CSJP
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Social Justice Educator Seattle, WA "I chose St. Helen because she was generous and selfless, and in honor of my grandmother Helen who was a role model in her own generosity had recently passed away."
James Michael, (OSA, in formation)
Order of St. Augustine
Pre-Novice Villanova, PA "I chose James as my Confirmation name for two reasons: one, it is my father and grandfather's first name, and they are excellent role models. Two, I had always really enjoyed the Letter of James and the emphasis on doing the work of the Gospel."
Joseph Br. James, FIC
Brothers of Christian Instruction
Film, Music, and Religion Teacher Southampton, England "I chose St. Joseph because I had always admired him. He must have been a very practical person, good with his hands, he kept Mary and Jesus safe when Herod wanted Jesus dead, and he must have been a pretty special father."
Louis Sr. Margaret, FSP
Daughters of St. Paul
Media Spirituality Boston, MA "After St. Louis IX, the King of France, because of his love for the Eucharist. During a Eucharistic miracle in the town, Louis said he didn't need to go 'see' it because he knew Jesus was present in the Blessed Sacrament. Also, I was born in St. Louis and grew up in Louisiana."
Br. Dismas, PHDM
Penitent Hermit of Divine Mercy
Canonical Hermit Banjul, The Gambia "I chose St. Padraic because I have Irish roots, grew up in a mainly Irish parish, and because St. Padraic was such a great apostle to Ireland."
Theresa Sr. Helen, RSCJ, Ph.D.
Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Professor Miami, FL "I am going to be 79 in May so I want you to know that I made my Confirmation the same day as my First Communion when I was only 6 years old. I took the name Theresa as I loved the story of the Little Flower and how she loved Jesus."
N/A Fr. Gilles Diocesan Priest Montreal, Canada "I was Confirmed at the age of 8. We were not asked to pick a saintly patron, though the three Divine Persons let me know they were there for me, and continued in the Sacraments on the long road of experiencing their call to follow Jesus in the particular way of Holy Orders and the Priesthood, for which I give them thanks every day."

Special Thanks

Catholic Books and Gifts would like to thank the Priests, Religious Brothers and Sisters, and those in formation who took the time to answer our survey. May this simple resource highlight the work you do in His name, honor the sacrifices you have made, and then encourage our young men and women to follow in your footsteps of a Religious Vocation.

Once again, our gratitude, and may God continue to bless you and your work.

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