Onward Catholic Soldier is a timely, well written, easily accessible and thought provoking book. John LaBriola's latest book is a treasure trove of information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the snares of the devil.With over 750 quotes from Scripture, the Church and the Saints, this book is a must read for all who are committed to living their Catholic faith to the fullest.
Every once in a while we come across a book that we just know is going to have a powerful impact in our life and in the lives of others, Onward Catholic Soldier is just such a book. Not only does it give us the various ways in which the spiritual battle presents itself to us to victory and triumph through Christ Jesus. This book was a smash hit with me, our viewers and listeners, and it will be with you, too! -Johnnette S. Benkovic EWTN television and live radio host author, speaker founder of Women of Grace
John Labriola's Onward Catholic Soldier is a well-researched and much needed account of the reality, the dimension, the challenges, and the tools given to every believer for the spiritual combat into which we are all born, most of us unaware and unprepared. A must read for surviving, and confronting the secular desert that encroaches on Christendom from all sides. -Father Joseph Langford, Co-founder with Mother Teresa of the Missionaries of Charity Fathers, author of In the Shadow of Our Lady and Mother Teresa's Secret Fire
Onward Catholic Soldier, by John LaBriola, is an absolutely essential and comprehensive handbook on issue to do with demonic harassment, infestation, and effects of all kinds in our lives--and how to prevent and be rid of them! Based on Scripture and the saints, this powerful compendium spells out the way evil spirits manifest, where they come from, how they magnify, and provides instruction and specific prayers!-Michael Brown, SpiritDaily.com
About The Author: John LaBriola is the host of St.Joseph Radio Presents, a weekly, worldwide radio program that can be heard over the EWTN Radio Network. A cradle Catholic, he has delivered hundreds of missions, retreats workshops, classes and talks at the parish and diocesan level, nationally and internationally. John uses his professional experience as a business consultant and trainer to help Catholics of all ages deepen their love and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His one, true Church.
Product detail
- Paperback: 337 pages
- Publisher: Luke 1:38 Publishing (2008)
- Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.3 x 1 inches