Of All That Is Seen and Unseen: Life-Saving Answer to Life-Size Questions by Gerard M. Verschuuren
This book is about our Maker, who is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen, visible and invisible. There is so much more in God's creation than what can be seen and captured by our senses. It is through the eyes of faith that we can discern much more than what we can touch, sense, hear, see, taste, or smell in short, much more than what can be counted, measured, or quantified. Our Catholic faith reminds us that in fact more important than what can be seen is what is un-seen. There is a whole world that eludes our senses. The invisible is actually the cornerstone of all that is visible. And God is part of that unseen world, for no one has ever seen God (1 Jn 4:12), except in His Son Jesus. In the chapters to come, we will see what this entails for our Catholic faith. Each chapter can be used as a guideline for discussions and seminars; each chapter can be read independently (that is why there are some repetitions). This makes the book also a perfect tool for the New Evangelization. Because it has basically a format of question-and-answer, the text tries to engage its readers and users even more. Call it a form of catechizing if you will teaching us the principles of Catholic dogma, discipline, and ethics by means of questions and answers.