Nothing Short of a Miracle by Patricia Treece God doesn't need humans to work miracles for Him, but as veteran Catholic author Patricia Treece shows, it certainly seems His good pleasure to perform great miracles by means of human prayers and human hands. For more than a quarter century, Treece - America's most experienced and revered saint-watcher - has gathered numerous fascinating reports of miraculous healings brought about in our lifetime. Among them is the complete 2005 cure of Sr. Marie Simon-Pierre's advanced Parkinson's disease after she appealed for healing to the just-deceased Pope John Paul II. After intense scrutiny, the Vatican declared her healing miraculous, leading to John Paul's beatification and canonization. Here, too, are tales of scores of lesser known healings brought to light by Treece's own investigation into little known official Vatican documents, as well as from her many interviews with living witnesses of miraculous healings, including several whose healings have been accepted by the Vatican as grounds for the canonization of their intercessors. You'll read vivid but sober accounts of the lives of the miracles wrought by some of the greatest healers of all, with details of a host of authenticated healings by Andre Bessette, John Bosco, Frances Cabrini, Solanus Casey, John Paul II, Padre Pio, Elizabeth Seton, Francis Xavier Seelos, Fulton Sheen, Mother Teresa, Therese of Lisieux, and other good men and women blessed by God with remarkable healing charisms. The healings documented her are not hasty judgments made by gullible, overwrought believers; they're instantaneous, complete, and permanent cures for which scientific medicine still has no explanations - cures that also meet the Vatican's stringent seven-part test of authenticity. When faced with a woman skeptical about whether she could be cured, the healer Solanus Casey is reported to have said, "Don't you know that God can cure cancer just as easily as the common cold?" Not only can God do this: These pages show that He is doing it... so often and so obviously that even in our day miraculous healings are giving pause to hardened skeptics and bringing joy to the hearts of believers who rightly see in them overwhelming evidence of God's love for each of us. May they bring joy to your heart as well and renew the confidence in His love that God yearns for you to have! "At a time when the world has deluded itself into thinking that science has all the answers, this book reminds us that God has answers of his own." - Matthew Kelly, Author of Rediscover Catholicism "Here you'll find out answers to questions not just about miracles, but about what can happen to you if you dare say yes to the Love behind them." - Patrick Coffin, Host of Catholic Answers Live Softcover, 298 pages