Joan Sheen Cunningham was happily growing up with her family in Illinois when her uncle Bishop Fulton Sheen offered her the opportunity of a lifetime: to attend a private school in New York City. With the blessing of her parents, she eagerly accepted, and Fulton Sheen became a second father, a role model, and a lifelong friend.
In this memoir, Joan describes many formative experiences she had with Fulton Sheen—from shopping for a winter coat to meeting Al Smith, the governor of New York. She fondly recollects how her uncle guided her courtship, helped her and her new husband find an apartment, and baptized their children and grandchildren.
Sheen is most known for his popular television show, Life Is Worth Living. The Sheen that Joan presents, however, is not only a polished television personality, but a man of prayer, generosity, and missionary zeal who interacted with count- less people from all walks of life. In one story after another, she illustrates that this great man’s chief concern was sharing the mercy of God with everyone.
“This book should be essential reading for anyone interested in the life and heroic Christian witness of Fulton Sheen. Reading Joan’s fascinating account of her beloved uncle’s story gives a richly human context to the inspiring life of this good, gifted, and holy man.”
--Most Reverend Daniel Jenky, Bishop of Peoria, Ill.
“I consider Fulton Sheen to have been one of the holiest bishops of the 20th century. Reading this book has given me even more reasons to venerate such a holy man of God. The treasured memories and family stories shared by Joan Sheen Cunningham truly touched my heart and moved my soul. What a delightful book!”
—Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Author, Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father
“Wonderful insights! I always wanted to know what it would be like traveling with Blessed Fulton J. Sheen during his apostolic journeys – now I know. Full Sheen ahead!”
—Terry Barber, Author, How to Share Your Faith with Anyone
“Joan Sheen Cunningham has done the Church a huge favor by writing a book about her memories of America's favorite Bishop. I hope that her book is read far and wide by anybody whose life, like mine, has been changed by Bishop Sheen.”
—Jesse Romero, M.A., Catholic Evangelist, Host, The Terry & Jesse Show
Joan Sheen Cunningham
Joan Sheen Cunningham is the niece of Fulton Sheen who became a second father, a role model, and a lifelong friend to her.
Janel Rodriguez
Janel Rodriguez is a freelance writer from New York city who is the author of Meet Fulton Sheen: Beloved Preacher and Teacher of the Word and Meet John Paul II: The People's Pope.