My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints by Dawn Eden
Dawn Eden, internationally known speaker and author of the bestselling The Thrill of the Chaste, shows how the lives of the saints have given her hope and aided her journey of spiritual healing after childhood sexual abuse. One in four American women and one in six American men report having been sexually abused during childhood. My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints provides a much-needed resource for spiritual healing from the isolating effects of these wounds.Paperback 240 pages
Eden uses her own story as a backdrop to introduce numerous holy peoplelike Laura Vicuña, Thomas Aquinas and Bernard of Clairvaux who suffered sexual abuse or sexual inappropriateness, as well as saints such as Ignatius of Loyola who suffered other forms of mistreatment and abandonment. Readers seeking wholeness will discover saints with wounds like their own, whose stories bear witness to the transforming power of grace. Eden explores different dimensions of divine lovesheltering, compassion, and purification to help those sexually wounded in childhood understand their identity in the abiding love of Christ.