Medjugorje The Message by Wayne Weible - Book on Mary Our Mother, Softcover, 416 pp.
Almost exactly 25 years ago, six children reported that the Virgin Mary had appeared to them on a hillside, and she has alegedly been returning every day since then, and making comments about the world, and advising us on actions that we need to take.
The Vatican has not yet elevated Medjugorje to the level of a "miracle," but the fact is that the events in this village have transformed the lives of people all over the world.
NEW--NOW AVAILABLE: Medjugorje: The Message, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition by Wayne Weible "In a tiny village in the mountains of Yugoslavia, the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, had reportedly been appearing to a group of local teenagers, beginning in June, 1981, and continuing every evening since." So begins journalist Wayne Weible's life-transforming investigation into the veracity of one of the most popular Marian apparitions claims in history.
What began as a quick attempt to add some spice to his regular newspaper column resulted in a life-long exploration of what is (still) happening at Medjugorje, and the lives that are changed as a result. Do miracles happen? Wayne Weible is one former skeptic who is now convinced that they do.