Prayers for the Moment, from the editor-in-chief of the beloved Magnificat aims to be a staple for fortifying your entire life of faith, especially by providing poignant prayers to the Blessed Sacrament perfect for accompanying you during Eucharistic holy hours of adoration, prayers to deepen your relationship with the three divine Persons of the Most Blessed Trinity and with the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayers to prepare you for Mass and for going to confession, and prayers destined to become part of your regular devout remembrance of the faithful departed.When you don't know how to pray, when you are too tired to pray, when you feel it's not worth the effort to pray, even when you are afraid to pray, just take up this book and let the wisdom, faith, and certainty of articulate, holy souls who have been in that same place before you'll be your companion to carry you through this sacred moment and take you in grace a little closer to God. He is waiting for you.
Product DetailsSize: 6" x 4" Deluxe leather-bound printed in Italy gilded pages silk ribbon marker
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