Book #1 in the series, 'Adventures With Sister Philomena, Special Agent for the Pope. Riley and Delaney are supposed to stay with their aunt, Sister Philomena, in her convent near Rome for the summer. Riley expects this to be a horrible summer living in a convent with a bunch of nuns with nothing to do but pray and go to church. Not surprisingly that attitude starts to change when the secret nature of their aunt's work begins to unfold. On their first morning in Italy, Sister Philomena rushes Riley and Delaney to the Vatican to help the Pope with an intruder in the Apostolic Palace. The real Pope? How can his aunt know the real Pope? She must be nuts, thinks Riley. As it turns out, not only does she know the Pope, but Sister Philomena is his special agent and private investigator. In 'Lost In Peter's Tomb' the children learn about St. Peter and his role as Apostle, explore the Vatican Gardens, follow a mischievous white cat, make friends with a Swiss Guard, sidcover the grandeur of T. Peter's Basilica, and fall upon the mystery of Peter's tomb and relics. Unexpectedly they help the Pope and their aunt solve the mystery of the intruder and the theft of St. Peter's bones. In the end, Riley's fear of a horrible summer begins to fade away. It helps that his new friend, Capitano Leo, a Swiss Guard, hints that there will be other adventures coming their way because of the work of their aunt, Sister Philomena.
Product Details:
- Paperback
- 101 pages