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Humanae Vitae Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Paul VI

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"Venerable brothers, most beloved sons, and all men of good will: Great indeed is the work of education, of progress and of love to which we call you, upon the foundation of the Church's teaching, of which the successor of Peter, together with his brothers in the episcopate, is the depository and interpreter. We are deeply convinced that his is truly a great work, both for the world and for the Church, since man cannot find true happiness, for which he yearns with his whole being, unless he respects the laws inscribed in his nature by God, laws which he ought to observe with understand and love. Upon this work, and upon all of you, and especially upon married couples, we invoke God's abundant graces of holiness and mercy, and in pledge thereof, we impart to you our apostolic blessing." - Pope Paul VI