No longer will you be diverted from the search for God . . . or live in fear of losing your soul. Rather, with the help of the monk Hubert van Zeller, youll learn how to spot and avoid dangerous spiritual distractions. Youll find out how to keep your feet on the path that leads to holy wisdom: true knowledge of yourself . . . and of God.
From van Zeller, youll discover how to grow into the person Christ means you to be no matter how far you still have to go. Your new knowledge will draw you closer to God and charge your life with a transforming spiritual vigor.
How to Find God is a spiritual banquet for every Christian who wants to attain true self-knowledge and to be united with Him who is the fount of all joy.
Brisk and readable . . . a book for all who enjoy the inner search, the life of genuine prayer. American Benedictine Review
Magnificent. . . . Its simplicity makes it of value not only for adepts but for all who can crawl, however feebly, to their Fathers arms. The Priest
"You shall seek me; and you shall find me when you seek me with all your heart. And I will be found by you, says the Lord." Jeremiah 29:13-14
Paperback: 256