How The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
someone today where Western Civilization originated, and he or she
might say Greece or Rome. But what is the ultimate source of Western
Civilization? Bestselling author and professor Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
provides the long neglected answer: the Catholic Church. In the new
paperback edition of his critically-acclaimed book, How
the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization,
Woods goes far beyond the familiar tale of monks copying manuscripts
and preserving the wisdom of classical antiquity. Gifts such as
modern science, free-market economics, art, music, and the idea of
human rights come from the Catholic Church, explains Woods. In How
the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization,
you’ll learn:
No institution has done more to shape Western civilization than the two-thousand-year-old Catholic Church—and in ways that many of us have forgotten or never known. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization is essential reading for recovering this lost truth.