Healing of Rejection with the Help of the Lord: A Survivor Guide by Dr. Ronda Chervin
The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the LORD has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes. Psalm 118: 22-23.
Dr. Ronda Chervins Healing of Rejection with the Help of the Lord: A Survivors Guide was written to help others move out of the disordered bondings that so often accompany rejection. The reader will come to know six people indulging in seemingly harmless fantasies; suffering the anxieties that come when they want more from others than anyone can deliver; and then experiencing despair when relationships capsize. Only when Dr. Rondas heroes and heroines surrender to God will the temptations to disordered cycles will be overcome and real tender love, sustained by ongoing forgiveness, will be the victor.
Healing of Rejection with the Help of the Lord .
Product Details:
- Paperback
- 148 pages