St. Anne, the beloved Mother of Our Lady and Grandmother of Our Lord, has proved herself a heavenly helper in every need. She is especially invoked as Patroness of Mothers, Comfortress of the Sorrowing, Mother of the Poor, Health of the Sick, Patroness of the Childless, Help of the pregnant, Model of Married Women and Mothers, Protectress of Widows and Patroness of Laborers.
Good St. Anne tells of the finding of St. Anne's body in France, St. Anne's shrines and relics in the U.S. and Canada, the devotion of the Saints to St. Anne and the many great favors that have been received through her intercession. Also included here are prayers to St. Anne, including the famous "Novena Prayer to St. Anne to Obtain Some Special Favor." This booklet has already proved very popular. It is being republished now so that many more people can discover the Catholic devotion to this wonderful Saint and powerful intercessor in Heaven!
Book size: 6"X4" Softcover. 64 pp.