"Christopher West's Good News About Sex and Marriage is splendid. Aptly subtitled Answers to Your Honest Questions About Catholic Teaching, it offers readers an easily readable, down-to-earth, and stimulating account of the reasons why the Church's teaching on sex and marriage is true, and, because it is true, `good news' for people today. Writing with conviction and enthusiasm, West shows how this teaching so eloquently proclaimed by Pope John Paul II is rooted in the dignity of men and women as sexual beings made in God's image and likeness, and whom we are to love for themselves and never to use as objects of enjoyment."
paperback, 200 pages.
- William E. May, Michael J. McGiveny, Professor of Moral Theology John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Washington, DC
"`Heart speaks to heart' was a motto of John Henry Newman, and that is just what Christopher West's book does. It taps into the desire we all have for deep spirituality and an integrated life; he draws from his own remarkable life experience and his theological training to shape answers to the most sublime and some of the most gritty questions spouses are likely to have. Those who adopt the principles of this book will have much happier marriages." - Janet E. Smith, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Dallas
"Christopher West has done an outstanding job in Good News About Sex and Marriage in showing how the teachings of the Church on marriage and sexuality, as presented by Pope John Paul II, actually make sense for everyone in daily life. Good News About Sex and Marriage is a must for all engaged and married couples and all those who hope to be married." - (Rev.) Richard M. Hogan, Co-author, Covenant of Love and Faith For Today, works on the thought of Pope John Paul II.
"A kind of 'catechism' of Catholic teaching on sex and marriage ... perfect for marriage prep courses, RCIA, adult education and marriage enrichment... Do the Church-and yourself-a favor: Read and reread this book. Encourage everyone you know to do the same." - From the foreword by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Christopher West works for Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver as an advisor and educator on issues of human sexuality, marriage, and family life. His numerous tapes, articles, and speaking engagements promoting John Paul II's "theology of the body" have made him an internationally recognized authority in the field. He holds a Master's Degree in Theology from the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage & Family.
Also Available is a Sex & Marriage Seminar Study Guide! Available for $4.95. Buy them together for $16.94!