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Gloria Laus Cape Cod Schola Sancte Ceciliae CD

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"Gloria Laus" is a fine collection of Traditional Latin chants sung by the talented and gifted choir of homeschool children called "Cape Cod Schola Sanctae Cecilae." The musical recording is gathered from Catholic traditions that are Eucharistic, Marian and liturgical in nature, to help us understand the beauty of sacred chant and its important role in the Liturgy of the Church.

CD Contents
  1. Kyrie
  2. Gloria
  3. Credo III
  4. Ante Praefationem et Sanctus
  5. Agnus Dei
  6. Ad Dimittendum Populum
  7. Salve Regina
  8. Hosanna Filio David
  9. Gloria Laus et Honor Tibi Sit
  10. Pueri Hebraeorum
  11. Ave Verum
  12. Immensa et Una Trinitas
  13. Ave Maria
  14. Victimae Paschali
  15. Spiritus Paraclitus
  16. Veni Sancte Spiritus
  17. Veni Spiritus (Sequence)
  18. Veni Creator Spiritus
  19. Regina Caeli