One of the main problems with approaching Chesterton is that he was so prolific and wrote on such a variety of topics that the reader is simply overwhelmed. Chesterton is too big to get a hold of. But Ahlquist makes the literary giant very accessible, highlighting Chesterton's amazing reach, keen insight, and marvelous wit. Each chapter is liberally spiced with Chesterton's striking quotations. On the way, we learn "what's wrong with the world" (and how to make it right), and to recognize the failure and futility of many modern ideas and the freshness and fullness of traditional truths.
There is something special that runs throughout Chesterton's books that ties all of his ideas together and sets him apart from the strange and confusing and broken philosophies of the modern world. The common thread in Chesterton's writings is common sense. It is instantly recognizable and utterly refreshing. And this is why Dale Ahlquist has dubbed G.K. Chesterton as "The Apostle of Common Sense".
Dale Ahlquist is the President of the American Chesterton Society, and a regular contributor to the Chestertonian magazine, Gilbert. He is also the host of two 13-part television series on Chesterton.
Softcover, 183 pp.