"This book will console sufferers who seek and see hope in the cross of Jesus Christ. It will help to transform pessimism to optimism, despairing thoughts to delights in the awesome power of God's mercy. Bishop Sheen sees the gold in our lives while acknowledge that it must be refined in the crucible of daily doubt and suffering."-Susan Muto, Ph.D. Co-Author of Praying the Lord's Prayer with Mary
"Fulton Sheen has an amazing ability to remind us of our incredible potential as human beings and Christians. I often wish i could have met him. I cherish the opportunity to read his enduring words."- Matthew Kelly Author of Mustard Seeds and The Rhythm of Life
Books are classics and so are authors, Fulton J. Sheen being one of them. Whether he writes comforting counsels, scripture reflections, prayers of the heart, or Christian poetry, his words are as true as they are timeless.
Softcover. 92 PP.