Fire From Above: Christian Contemplation and Mystical Wisdom by Dr. Anthony L. Lilles
A humble prayer calls down fire from above, and as we learn to live a life rooted in prayer, this heavenly fire grows into a profound awareness of the presence of God. This in the deepest purpose of prayer, and making this journey is essential for reaching the heights of holiness for which we were made.
Dr. Anthony Liles, Academic Dean at St. John's Seminary in California, shows you how to put your whole life in conversation with the Risen Lord within the Catholic tradition of spirituality. The wisdom of great saints and mystics will help you discover how to surrender your pride and appeal to God with humble trust, and how prayer addresses your deepest human needs. Dr. Lilles then shows you how the mystery of prayer unfolds, and how God provides heroic levels of courage and deep internal resolve through humble and persevering devotion. You'll examine how spiritual battles and dryness in prayer are essential to reaching communion with God. Including the dark night of the soul.
- In these remarkable pages, you will also explore:
- Why finding time to pray is always possible and necessary even when life is busy
- How the proper use of sacramental can render the heart more vulnerable to God's saving power while protecting it from evil.
- Practical ways to confront self-deception and other challenges to contemplative prayer
- How forgiveness and bearing hardships are means for spiritual maturity.
- The indispensable role of Our Lady in the life of faith.
Read these pages, and you will soon embark on the epic adventure that is the life of prayer, and you'll find encouragement to desire neither the goods nor the experiences of this world, but instead to pursue alone the Lord and His divine plan for your life.