Christ, the Life of the Soul by Bl. Columba Marmion
Written for Christians in every walk of life, here are pages of practical knowledge and timeless wisdom--a "how-to" guide filled with rich insight, spiritual refrshment, inspiration and encouragement.
Born in Ireland, Blessed Columba Marmion served for several years as a priest in Dublin before finding a vocation to the monastery. One of the great Catholic aughors of the 20th century, his books, acclaimed by Popes and lay faithful alike, sold some 1.5 million copies.
Firmly rooted in the Bible, the Liturgy, and the writings of the Saints and Doctors of the church, Marmion explores every aspect of Catholic dogma--with penetrating insight--but his great emphasis is on the person of Christ, and the doctrine of DIVINE ADOPTION. Indeed, there is hope among his admirers that not only will he one day be declared a saint, but also a Doctor of the Church--the Doctor of Divine Adoption.