Famous author and historian William Thomas Walsh states in the foreword to his book " that there is no sense in reviving so painful and controversial a subject as the Inquisition if the motive is merely to add fuel to ancient hatreds which still divide man from man, and men from God... but there is always something to be gained in the search of truth for the sake of truth itself." Armed with this spirit, the trenchant and balanced intellect of this eminent scholar goes on to illuminate a divisive subject as few have or ever will, giving a series of detailed historical sketches on the most famous - or infamous - "characters" associated with the Inquisition. Serious students and casual readers alike will understand the historical context, motivations and long-term effects that the actions of these "characters" had on their countries as well as on the world. Walsh is unyielding to those who would either shed undue praise upon the Inquisition, or grossly exaggerate its faults; throughout his work he deftly lays to rest scores of popular myths, even showing how inquisitors often brought calm and order to the most volatile of situations, in the most trying of times.