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Saint Medals: Select by Patronage
Abandoned: St. Luigi Orione
Abuse Victims: St. Germaine Cousin
Abuse Victims: St. Monica
Accommodations and Cats: St. Gertrude of Nivelles
Accountants: St. Matthew
Accountants: St. Matthew The Apostle
Actors: St. Genesius of Rome
Actors: St. Vitus
Adopted Children: St. William of Rochester
Advertising: St. Bernadine of Sienna
Against Arthritis: St. James The Greater
Against Earache: St. Polycarp of Smyrna
Against Frenzy: St. Dennis
Against Hailstorms: St. Barnabas
Against Poverty: St. Julia Billiart
Against Poverty: St. Julie Billiart
Against Poverty: St. Regina
Against Racism: St. Katharine Drexel
Agricultural Workers: St. Isidore The Farmer
Aids: St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Airforce: St. Joseph of Cupertino
Airforce: St. Joseph of Cupertino
Alcholism: St. Matthias The Apostle
Alcoholics: St. John of God
Altar Boys and Altar Girls: St. Tarcisius
Altar Servers: St. John Berchmans
Americas and Natives: St. Juan Diego
Anesthesiologists: St. Rene Goupil
Animals: St. Anthony of Egypt
Animals: St. Cornelius
Animals: St. Francis of Assisi
Animals: St. Francis of Assisi
Anti-Abortion: St. Catherine of Sweden
Apprentices: St. John Bosco
Archers: St. Hubert of Liege
Architects: St. Barbara
Architects: St. Thomas The Apostle
Arm Pain: St. Amelia
Artists: St. Catherine of Bologna
Astronomy: St. Dominic De Guzman
Athletes: St. Raymond of Penafort
Athletes: St. Sebastian
Athletes: St. Sebastian Karate
Authors: St. Francis De Sales
Auto Routes: St. John The Baptist
Aviators: St. Therese of Lisieux
Bachelors: St. Casimir of Poland
Bachelors: St. Roch
Bakers: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Bakers: St. Nicholas
Bankers: St. Matthew
Bankers: St. Matthew The Apostle
Barbers: Sts. Cosmas & Damian
Barbers: Sts. Cosmas & Damian and Doctors
Barbers: Sts. Cosmos & Damian
Beekeepers: St. Ambrose
Beekeepers: St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Bi-Racial People: St. Martin De Porres
Birdflu: St. Rocco
Blackbirds: St. Kevin
Blacksmiths: St. Dunstan
Blind People: St. Thomas The Apostle
Blind: St. Alice
Blind: St. Raphael
Blind: St. Raphael The Archangel
Blood Banks: St. Januarius
Bowel Disorders: St. Bonaventure
Boy Scouts: St. George
Boy Scouts: St. George Emt
Breast Cancer: St. Agatha
Breast Cancer: St. Agatha Nurse
Brewers: St. Augustine of Hippo
Brewers: St. Boniface
Brewers: St. Wenceslaus
Brides: St. Nicholas
Broken Bones: St. Stanislaus
Bruises: St. Amelia
Builders: St. Louis
Builders: St. Louis
Butchers: St. Peter The Apostle
Cancer Patients: St. Giles
Cancer: St. Peregrine
Cancer: St. Peregrine Laziosi
Cancer: St. Perregrine
Candlemakers: St. Ambrose
Candlemakers: St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Caregivers: St. Vincent De Paul
Carpenters: St. Joseph
Carpenters: St. Matthias The Apostle
Catechists: St. Charles Borromeo
Catechists: St. Robert Bellarmine
Catholic Action: St. Francis
Catholic Action: St. Francis
Catholic Education: St. John Neumann
Catholic Education: St. Ursula
Catholic Schools: St. Thomas Aquinas
Cattle: St. Perpetua
Charities: St. Isabella of Portugal
Charities: St. Vincent De Paul
Charity: St. Maximilian Kolbe
Chefs: St. Lawrence
Childbirth: St. Raymond Nonnatus
Children: St. Nicholas
Children: St. Philomena
Clergy: St. Thomas A Becket
Cobblers: St. Bartholomew The Apostle
Cobblers: St. Maurus
Cold: St. Maurus
College Students: St. Gabriel Possenti
Comedians: St. Genesius of Rome
Comedians: St. Lawrence
Comedians: St. Vitus
Computers: St. Isidore of Seville
Confessors: St. Alphonsus
Confessors: St. John Vianney
Construction Workers: St. Vincent Ferrer
Contemplatives: St. John of The Cross
Corsica: St. Alexander Sauli
Coughs: St. Walburga
Cyclists: St. Madonna Del Ghisallo
Deacons: St. Stephen
Deacons: St. Stephen The Martyr
Deafness: St. Francis De Sales
Death of Children: St. Felicity
Dental Diseases: St. Apollonia
Desperate Situations: St. Jude
Desperate Situations: St. Jude Thaddeus
Diabetes: St. Josemaria Escriva
Difficult Marriages: St. Edward The Confessor
Difficult Marriages: St. Helen
Diocese of Ossory Ireland: St. Kieran
Disabled: St. Germaine Cousin
Dogs: St. Hubert of Liege
Dogs: St. Roch
Doves and Wales: St. David of Wales
Drug Abuse: St. Maximilian Kolbe
Dying: St. Joseph
Dysentery: St. Polycarp of Smyrna
Dysfunctional Families: St. Eugene De Mazenod
Earache: St. Cornelius
Educators: St. John Baptist De La Salle
Emts: St. Michael The Archangel
Emts: St. Michael The Archangel Emt
Engineers: St. Patrick
England: St. Austin
Engravers: St. John The Apostle
Engravers: St. John The Evangelist
Environment: St. Kateri
Epilepsy: St. Cornelius
Epilepsy: St. John Chrysostom
Expectant Mothers: St. Elizabeth of The Visitation
Expectant Mothers: St. Gerard
Expectant Mothers: St. Gerard Majella
Eye Disease: St. Odilia
Eye Diseases: St. Lucia of Syracuse
Eye Problems: St. Odilia
Eyes: St. Clare of Assisi
Falsely Accused: St. Matilda
Fathers: St. Joachim
Fathers: St. Joseph
Ferns: St. Aedan of Ferns
Fevers: St. Petronille
Fire Fighters: St. Florain
Fire Fighters: St. Florian
Fire Prevention: St. Catherine of Siena
Firefighters: St. Eustachius
First Communicants: St. Pius X
Fisherman: St. Andrew The Apostle
Fisherman: St. Peter The Apostle
Florists: St. Dorothy
Florists: St. Dorothy
Florists: St. Therese of Lisieux
Foreign Missions: St. Francis Xavier
Foreign Missions: St. Theresa
France: St. Joan of Arc
France: St. Remigius of Reims
Funeral Directors: St. Joseph of Arimathea
Gardners: St. Fiacre
Girl Scouts: St. Agnes of Rome
Grandfathers: St. Joachim
Gravediggers: St. Anthony of Egypt
Handicapped People: St. Angela Merici
Handicapped People: St. Fina
Handicapped People: St. Henry II
Hatters: St. Philip The Apostle
Head Injuries: St. John Licci
Headache: St. Teresa of Avila
Headache: St. Teresa of Avila
Headaches: St. Dennis
Homeless People: St. Edwin
Homeless: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Homeless: St. Luigi Orione
Homeless: St. Margaret of Cortona
Hospital Administrators: St. Basil The Great
Hospital Administrators: St. Cabrini
Hospital Administrators: St. Frances Cabrini
Hospitality: St. Meinrad of Einsideln
Hospitals: St. Camillus of Lellis
Hospitals: St. Camillus of Lellis and Doctor
Hospitals: St. Camillus of Lellis and Nurse
Housekeepers: St. Ann
Housekeepers: St. Anne
Hunters: St. Hubert of Liege
Huntsmen: St. Eustachius
Ice Skating: St. Lidwina of Schiedam
Illness: St. Bernadette
Illness: St. Bernadette
Infants: St. Brigid
Infants: St. Brigid of Ireland
Infants: St. Raymond Nonnatus
Infertility: St. Sarah
Innkeepers: St. Martha
Internet: St. Isidore of Seville
Ireland: St. Aedan of Ferns
Ireland: St. Brigid
Ireland: St. Brigid of Ireland
Ireland: St. Kevin
Ireland: St. Malachy O'More
Ireland: St. Patrick
Jewelers: St. Dunstan
Judges: St. John of Capistrano
Juvenile Delinquents: St. Dominic Savio
Korean Clergy: St. Andrew Kim Taegon
Lacemakers: St. Regis
Large Families: St. Richard
Lawyers: St. Catherine of Alexandria
Lawyers: St. Mark
Lawyers: St. Mark The Evangelist
Lawyers: St. Thomas More
Lectors: St. Bede The Venerable
Lectures: St. Justin
Leprosy: St. Lazarus
Liberal Arts: St. Catherine of Bologna
Librarians: St. Catherine of Alexandria
Libraries: St. Jerome
Lightning: St. Victor of Marseilles
Loneliness: St. Rita of Cascia
Loss Child: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Loss of Parent: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Loss of Parents: St. Colette
Loss of Parents: St. Edith Stein
Loss of Parents: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Lost Articles: St. Anthony of Padua
Lost Causes: St. Rita of Cascia
Love: St. Raphael
Love: St. Raphael The Archangel
Love: St. Valentine of Rome
Lung Problems: St. Bernadine of Sienna
Maids: St. Martha
Mariners: St. Brendan The Navigator
Marown Parish: St. Ronan
Martyrs: St. Anastasia
Martyrs: St. Edith Stein
Martyrs: St. Perpetua
Mental Illness: St. Dymphna
Messengers: St. Gabriel The Archangel
Midwives: St. Margaret of Cortona
Military Chaplains: St. John of Capistrano
Millers: St. Victor of Marseilles
Miscarries: St. Catherine of Sweden
Monastery of Agahanoe: St. Kenneth
Monks: St. Benedict
Mothers: St. Ann
Mothers: St. Anne
Motorcyclists: St. Columbanus
Motorists: St. Christopher
Motorists: St. Christopher Air Force
Motorists: St. Christopher Emt
Motorists: St. Christopher Karate
Motorists: St. Drogo
Motorists: St. Frances of Rome
Mountain Climbers: St. Bernard of Montjoux
Mountaineers: St. Petronille
Musicians: St. Cecilia
Musicians: St. Gregory The Great
Nervous Diseases: St. Bartholomew The Apostle
Notaries: St. Mark
Notaries: St. Mark The Evangelist
Nuns: St. Scholastica
Nurses: St. Agatha
Nurses: St. Agatha Nurse
Nurses: St. Camillus of Lellis
Nurses: St. Camillus of Lellis and Doctor
Nurses: St. Camillus of Lellis and Nurse
Orators: St. John Chrysostom
Order of Saint Sharbel: St. Sharbel
Orphanages: St. Hannibal
Orphanages: St. Hannibal
Orphans: St. Louise De Marillac
Orphans: St. Thomas of Villanova
P.O.W.S: St. Walter of Pontnoise
Painters: St. Luke
Painters: St. Luke The Apostle
Painters: St. Luke The Apostle and Doctor
Palermo, Sicily: St. Rosalia
Papal Delegates: St. Pope John XXII
Paralysis: St. Wolfgang
Paralyzed: St. Alice
Pastry Chefs: St. Philip The Apostle
Peace: St. Isabella of Portugal
Penitent Sinners: St. Mary Magdalene
Pharmacists: St. Gemma Galgani
Pharmacists: St. James The Lesser
Philosophers: St. Albert The Great
Philosophers: St. Justin
Photographers: St. Veronica
Physicians: St. Luke
Physicians: St. Luke The Apostle
Physicians: St. Luke The Apostle and Doctor
Pilgrims: El Nino De Atocha
Pilots: St. Joseph of Cupertino
Pilots: St. Joseph of Cupertino
Poison Sufferers: St. Benedict
Poland: St. Casimir of Poland
Police Officers: St. Michael The Archangel
Police Officers: St. Michael The Archangel Emt
Polio: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Poor: St. Luigi Orione
Poor: St. Thomas of Villanova
Possessed People: St. Bruno
Priests: St. John Vianney
Printers: St. John The Apostle
Printers: St. John The Evangelist
Prison Guards: St. Adrian of Nicomedia
Prisoners: El Nino De Atocha
Prisoners: St. Daniel
Psychiatrists: St. Christina The Astonishing
Publishers: St. Paul The Apostle
Purity: Blessed Caroline Gerhardinger
Purity: Blessed Karolina Kozkowna
Reformed Alcoholics: St. Martin of Tours
Reporters: St. Paul The Apostle
Rheumatism: St. Kilian
Road Workers: St. John The Baptist
Runaways: St. Dymphna
Running Sores: St. Peregrine
Running Sores: St. Peregrine Laziosi
Running Sores: St. Perregrine
Sacred Heart: St. Madeline Sophie Barat
Safe Journey: St. Raphael
Safe Journey: St. Raphael The Archangel
Sailors: St. Brendan The Navigator
Sailors: St. Clement
Scientists: St. Albert The Great
Scotland: St. Andrew The Apostle
Seminarians: St. Charles Borromeo
Servers: St. Zita
Sharing: St. Finnian of Clonard
Sick Children: St. Clement
Sickness: St. Rebecca
Singers: St. Cecilia
Singers: St. Gregory The Great
Single Laywomen: St. Emily De Vialar
Skiers: St. Bernard of Montjoux
Snakes: St. Patrick
Social Workers: St. Louise De Marillac
Social Workers: St. Regis
Soldiers: St. Adrian of Nicomedia
Soldiers: St. George
Soldiers: St. George Emt
Soldiers: St. Ignatius of Loyola
Soldiers: St. Joan of Arc
Soldiers: St. Raymond of Penafort
Soldiers: St. Sebastian
Soldiers: St. Sebastian Karate
Sore Eyes: St. Augustine
South America: St. Rose of Lima
Spain: St. James The Greater
Speakers: St. Leo The Great
Statesmen: St. Thomas More
Stomach Diseases: St. Elmo
Stomach Disorders: St. Timothy
Stonemasons: St. Stephen
Stonemasons: St. Stephen The Martyr
Storms: St. Scholastica
Storms: St. Walburga
Strokes: St. Wolfgang
Students: St. John Bosco
Students: St. Thomas Aquinas
Sudan: St. Josephine Bakhita
Sudden Death: St. Barbara
Surgeons: Sts. Cosmas & Damian
Surgeons: Sts. Cosmas & Damian and Doctors
Surgeons: Sts. Cosmos & Damian
Sweden: St. Bridget of Sweden
Switzerland: St. Meinrad of Einsideln
Tailors: St. Boniface
Teachers: St. Francis De Sales
Teachers: St. John Baptist De La Salle
Teaching: St. Finnian of Clonard
Teenage Girls: St. Maria Goretti
Teenagers: St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Television: St. Clare of Assisi
The Americas: St. Isaac Jogues
The Childless: St. Henry II
The City of Reims: St. Remigius of Reims
The Miraculous Medal: St. Catherine Laboure
The Poor: St. Anthony of Padua
The Sick: St. John of God
Theologians: St. Alphonsus
Theologians: St. Augustine
Theologians: St. Augustine of Hippo
Therapists: St. Christina The Astonishing
Those Named Benjamin: St. Benjamin
Those Named Jason: St. Jason
Those Named Joshua: St. Joshua
Those Named Lillian: St. Lillian
Those Named Susanna: St. Susanna
Throat Ailments: St. Blaise
Translators: St. Jerome
Travelers: St. Christopher
Travelers: St. Christopher Air Force
Travelers: St. Christopher Emt
Travelers: St. Christopher Karate
Travelers: St. Drogo
Trivigliano, Italy: St. Olivia
U S Army Special Forces: St. Philip Neri
Valencia, Spain: St. Grace
Vanity: St. Rose of Lima
Virgins: Blessed Karolina Kozkowna
Virgins: St. Agnes of Rome
Waiters: St. Zita
Wales: St. Edmund Campion
Whitewashers: St. Kilian
Widows: St. Anastasia
Widows: St. Bridget of Sweden
Widows: St. Paula
Women's Army Corps: St. Genevieve
Workers: St. Joseph The Worker
World Youth Day: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Writers: St. Lucia of Syracuse
Saint Medals: Select by Saint Name
Blessed Caroline Gerhardinger
Blessed Damian Of Molokai
Blessed Karolina Kozkowna
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Blessed Teresa Of Calcutta
El Nino De Atocha
Mater Dolorosa
Medals for St. Katharine Drexel
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II / Vatican
Pope Saint Eugene I
Pope Saint Pius X
San Juan De La Cruz
St. Aaron
St. Adrian of Nicomedia
St. Aedan of Ferns
St. Agatha
St. Agatha Nurse
St. Agnes of Rome
St. Aidan Of Lindesfarne
St. Albert The Great
St. Alexander Sauli
St. Alexandra
St. Alice
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Alphonsus
St. Ambrose
St. Amelia
St. Anastasia
St. Andrew
St. Andrew Kim Taegon
St. Andrew The Apostle
St. Angela Merici
St. Ann
St. Anne
St. Anselm Of Canterbury
St. Anthony of Egypt
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Apollonia
St. Arnold Janssen
St. Athanasius
St. Augustine
St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Austin
St. Barbara
St. Barnabas
St. Bartholomew The Apostle
St. Basil The Great
St. Bede The Venerable
St. Benedict
St. Benjamin
St. Bernadette
St. Bernadine of Sienna
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Bernard of Montjoux
St. Blaise
St. Bonaventure
St. Boniface
St. Brendan The Navigator
St. Bridget of Sweden
St. Brigid
St. Brigid of Ireland
St. Bruno
St. Cabrini
St. Camillus of Lellis
St. Camillus of Lellis and Doctor
St. Camillus of Lellis and Nurse
St. Casimir of Poland
St. Catherine Laboure
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Bologna
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Sweden
St. Cecilia
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Christian Demosthenes
St. Christina The Astonishing
St. Christopher
St. Christopher Air Force
St. Christopher Emt
St. Christopher Karate
St. Clare of Assisi
St. Clement
St. Colette
St. Columbanus
St. Cornelius
St. Cosmas & St. Damian
St. Cosmas & St. Damian and Doctors
St. Cosmos & St. Damian
St. Daniel
St. David of Wales
St. Deborah
St. Dennis
St. Dismas
St. Dominic De Guzman
St. Dominic Savio
St. Dorothy
St. Drogo
St. Dunstan
St. Dymphna
St. Edburga Of Winchester
St. Edith Stein
St. Edmund Campion
St. Edward The Confessor
St. Edwin
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth of The Visitation
St. Elmo
St. Emily De Vialar
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Italian Confirmation Silver Wood Desk Plaque Keepsake
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Baptized in Christ Blue Greeting Card
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Blue/Red Epoxy Inlay Standing Crucifix 125BLU-NIK 46-995
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Come Holy Spirit Confirmation Cross Pendant D1232
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Gerffert Inspirational 8" Wood Cross - Confirmation B2420
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10 Inch Confirmation Wall Crucifix JC7072
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Bracelet BK-P11563BX
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