The coming of Jesus Christ, the Word made Flesh, God-Incarnate, is the central truth of the Christian faith. Everything in the Christian life depends on it and revolves around it. Against the backdrop of Scripture and the writings of the ancient Fathers of the Church, Father Benedict Groeschel, one of the American Church's most popular spiritual writers, offers insightful reflections on Christ's comingin history, in our personal lives and at the end of time.Paperback 146 pages
The series of meditations, although prepared for the specific days of the Advent and Christmas season, can also be used throughout the year as reflections on the mystery of the Incantation, the eternal Word of God taking to himself a human body and a human soul. The readings in Behold, He Comes are fully appropriate for Christians of all traditions, not just Catholics. The meditations are not Christians of all traditions on the liturgy of the day. Rather they focus your mind and heart on the Scriptures and the traditional interpretation of these Scriptures.