Page after page, this book explores biblical verse that discusses angels, from Genesis to Revelation. It is a journey that moves between faith, history, and art, because every passages, cited is accompanied by a work of art that represents the scene or episode being narrated. The art does not merely illustrate the passages, however, because the images selected, in addition to illuminating the text, also highlight aspects that would otherwise be left unnoticed. The images that accompany these passages complement them; together with the texts, they offer the reader a much more fulfilling view of the subject than would otherwise be possible. An analysis of the images allows us to understand the weight of the artistic representation in developing the figure of the angel in the collective imagination, which often has been influenced more by visual tradition than by Scriptures themselves.
More than 375 images of angels, ranging from early Christian mosaics to the paintings of Marc Chagall. This book has very beautiful pictures and would make a great gift for anyone.
Book Size Is: 6-1/2" X 5" and 2" thick. Hardcover. 780 pp.