List of Songs & Artist's:
1. Call To Prayer
2. Ave Marie(Schubert)-Interior Castle
3. Regina Coellie-Robert Kochis
4. Pange Lingua Gloriousi-Voice Trek
5. Kyrie-Joseph Moorman
6. Ave Maria(Bach/Gounod)
7. Salve Regina-Susanna
8. Salve Regina(Latin)-Seraphim
9. Pater Noster-Tatiana
10. Ave Verum-Mark Forrest
11. Ave Maria(Schubert)-Trish Foti-Genco
12. Ven Jesus Amor Me-Seraphim
13. Panis Angelicus-Trish Foti-Genco
14. O Sanctissima-Joseph Moorman
15. Call To Prayer