This is a CD of contemporary Catholic Music that Our Lady Herself would recommend to help us Americans get our priorities in order, entitled "America with Mary, America be Groomed" Many of the songs are for Life, Family, to encourage devotion to the Holy Rosary, and more.
By placing our nation's soul in the Immaculate Heart of Mary we can expect great happenings - a reformation of high morality and great purity, much needed for true peace. Our Lady will help us get our priorities in order:
To God above all, and to love neighbor as self; to uphold the sanctity of marriage, family life with the Holy Family as our example, and human life, from conception to journey's end; to place the needs of our children, born and preborn, before ourselves; to exalt the role of motherhood with Our Lady, Herself as our model; to pray and care for the sick, aged, and those with special needs; to pray for the holy souls; to fight evil with good; to pray the Rosary for the conversion of souls.
It was in my heart to convey the above laws of love through this musical work.