A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist by Abbot Vonier - Catholic Book on the Mass, Paperback, 196 pp. - Out of Print
Abbot Vonier was a bestselling Catholic author in England of the 1920s that golden age of Catholic letters when Chesterton, Knox, and Belloc flourished.
While all but forgotten today, Voniers writing remains absolutely fresh and engaging, combining the soul of orthodoxy with an attractive writing style.
Beautifully designed and printed, this new edition of Abbot Voniers finest work is sure to delight Catholic book readers. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian Life--a sacrament of inexhaustible richness, according to the Catholic Catechism. Written to give lay Catholics a better understanding of the Eucharist, this book is recognized as a modern spiritual classic. In remarkably clear and straightforward language, it takes the reader step-by-step into the deepest mysteries of the Eucharist.