In the years since Fulton Sheen's cause for canonization was opened in 2002, the Church has reviewed in depth the teachings of this great preacher and evangelist. Sheen's reputation for personal sanctity and pastoral zeal is skillfully cataloged here as the author delves into ten areas -- Life, Incarnation, Temptation and Sin, Conversion, Confession, the Mystery of Suffering, Prayer, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Marriage, Eucharist and Priesthood -- in which Sheen, through his writings and his talks on radio and TV, has left the world a spiritual legacy of incomparable worth. Thomistic philosopher and professor at the Catholic University of America, prolific writer and pioneer in the use of the media, convert-maker and head of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, and Bishop of Rochester in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, Sheen lived in the religious spotlight for most of his life (1895-1979). What he taught so clearly, he also lived in a remarkable fashion as these pages so carefully document. Father Connor's scholarly and balanced insights allow Sheen and his spiritual legacy to live on and influence for the good many of those who are living in the present day and age.
Father Charles P. Connor, noted theologian and Church historian is the author of such popular works as Classic Catholic Converts and Defenders of the Faith (both by Ignatius Press), his book, Meditations on the Catholic Priesthood (ST PAULS / Alba House, 2005) which went through two printings the year it came out, and The Saint for the Third Millennium: St. Therese of Lisieux (ST PAULS / Alba House, 2007). He has also co-produced several series for EWTN (The Eternal Word Television Network) including: The History of the Catholic Church in the United States, Historic Catholic Converts, Defenders of the Faith in Word and Deed, Doctors of the Church, Therese of Lisieux: The Saint for the Third Millennium, The Sacraments Through the Ages and The Catholic Church Through the Ages. Several of these are available through EWTN on their home video series. This is his third work for ST. PAUL'S.