The work "My Daily Bread" is a summary of spiritual doctrine so simplified and arranged that everyone can come to a knowledge and practice of the principles of the spiritual life. It is divided into three books which treat respectively of the three ways of Spiritual Life. (1) Purification - we must reform that which has been deformed in us by sin. (2) Imitation - we must conform to Christ that which has been reformed. (3) Union - we must transform through Christ that which has been conformed.
This book must be read, not only with the head, but with the heart. We must think and pray. This daily exercise will transform belief into realization, theory into practice. This work has been authored by the Rev. Anthony J. Paone, S.J. May it prove a helpful guide to daily spiritual growth. May it help souls to persevere in the holy resolutions which they make at the time of confession, Holy Communion, missions, retreats, or any moment of grace. While written primarily for the layman in the language of the layman, it will prove helpful to the priest and religious.
439 pg., softcover